Where Do Stretch Marks Come From? (and Can They Be Removed?)

Do you struggle with the appearance of stretch marks on your thighs, stomach, or hips? Stretch marks are one of the most common cosmetic concerns among people of all ages. While stretch marks are physically harmless, many people find theirs unflattering and aesthetically displeasing.  Cohen Plastic Surgery in Nassau County, NY, provides various cosmetic treatments…

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Can We Stop the Aging Process?

Is it true that microneedling on my face can help me look younger?  The search for a way to slow down or stop the aging process did not begin in the 16th century with the Spanish explorer, Ponce de León. Whether it’s true that he was looking for some sort of fountain of youth when…

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Combining Microneedling with PRP

What is PRP and why is it being used along with microneedling? When we are young we take many things for granted, especially the tone and elasticity of our skin that is provided by the body’s ample production of collagen. As we age, less and less of this important protein is produced, and the evidence…

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Treatment for Acne Scarring

Can microneedling be used to remove or minimize the appearance of scars caused by acne? We may live in what seems to be an increasingly polarized world, but there are some things that we all agree on. A good example of that can be found in our growing-up years, which most would agree can be…

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Microneedling: Don’t Let the Name Scare You

Is microneedling safe and does it really work? Names are important. They trigger mental images. They have power, even if we aren’t aware of it. In the first book of the popular Harry Potter series, Dumbledore tells young Harry, “Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing…

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What is microneedling and what are the benefits of having it done? Does anyone like the idea of needles? Whether we’re talking about doctors using needles to give us shots to numb areas before some sort of invasive procedure, as a disease-preventative vaccination or the more recent method of dry needling used by physical therapists…

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Microneedling 101

These days, New Yorkers can get all sorts of treatments for problem skin conditions. There are the proven classics–like Botox, lasers, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion–and there are also some innovative and new strategies. One of these more recent trends is microneedling. If you read a lot of beauty blogs or have industry-obsessed friends, you’ve probably…

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